Demake Video Shows What Horizon Zero Dawn Would've Looked like in the 90s

A New Demake Video Shows What Horizon Zero Dawn Would've Looked like in the 90s

By: Evan1Sonic. A new demake video shows us what Horizon Zero Dawn might have looked like if it was made for the PS1.

The concept of demaking a video game isn't new, and many fans and creators have used it to create some remarkable videos and even full games. From the Game Boy Advance adaptation of Tomb Raider to the Atari 2600 demake of Portal. Doom, a 1993 PC game, has numerous ports and can now run on pretty much anything. Bloodborne PSX is one of the most popular demakes; it's the entire game of Bloodborne, but in a low-polygon PS1 aesthetic, similar to the demake we'll look at below.

The newest demake concept is for the Sony published title Horizon Zero Dawn. The video showcasing this demake was created by ZeoNyph using Blender, a 3D graphics application that allows users to create and animate their own content. The game was recreated to look as if it was designed for the PlayStation 1 in the 1990s. The clip even begins with the PlayStation's original splash screen. After the opening, we follow Aloy as she travels beyond a bonfire and gets caught by a Watcher. This machine proceeds to quickly decmate Aloy. As she falls to her death, the background fades to black and the words “You Died” appear on screen as she dies. This video is a fun look at what a game like Horizon Zero Dawn would look like if it was made in the 90s. You can watch the short video showcasing this wild demake below.

Thanks for reading and Game On!!


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